For many of the Memorial Day long weekend marks the official start of the summer. For police it marks the official start of DUI hunting season.

While many of us will be out enjoying all that Pennsylvania has to offer with family and friends, police are hard at work planning DUI checkpoints on major roadways.
At The McShane Firm, we encourage all drivers to make safe and responsible decisions. We also believe that the entire population of Pennsylvania should not be subject to unwarranted searches at DUI checkpoints. We want to avoid this infringement on our rights as a citizen to be simply left alone from warrantless intrusion by the Government. The fact of the matter is, the motivations behind DUI checkpoints are financial and political. They are not an effective law enforcement tool.
If you would like to share information about a checkpoint, please use the comment section below.
If you are pulled over for a DUI or stopped at a checkpoint please make sure to read: Our Guide on how to save yourself from a false DUI arrest.
Latest Information on DUI Checkpoints:
Adams and Lancaster
Berks, Lebanon and Schuylkill
Armstrong and Allegheny
Lawrence County