DUI Preliminary Hearings in PA: A Brief Introduction I frequently represent people all over the Harrisburg area when they are accused of a DUI. Two of the most frequent questions I get asked are: (A) What is a preliminary hearing all about, and (B) Am I definitely going to go to jail or lose my…
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Truck Drivers and DUI — 2 STRIKES … YOU’RE OUT
For a Pennsylvania truck driver, a first offense DUI carries some very tough penalties. This includes up to 6 months jail time, up to $5,000 fines, 1-year personal driver’s license suspension and 1-year commercial driver’s license disqualification (suspension). Being unable to drive would be crushing. Many trucker drivers lose their career after the first charge…
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Is the ARD a good option for me?
Some people think that they can get out of a DUI by opting for an ARD. But it’s not that easy. First of all, a DUI is a criminal charge. Therefore, matters will not be taken lightly. The Pennsylvania Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition program or ARD is a pre-trial diversionary program (like being subject to probation)…
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Pilots and DUI
If you are a pilot who has been arrested for a DUI, there are very specific rules and regulations that you need to follow. As a pilot, you are required by the Federal Aviation Agency to report your DUI motor vehicular offense within 60 days of the arrest under 61.15(e). If you are convicted of…
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Welcome to our new blog series where we will drive you through the DUI process from the time of arrest all the way to trial. There may be a number of signals that can trigger an officer to suspect you of driving under the influence. For example, you might have been driving too slowly, changing lanes…
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The DUI Sink Hole: Part 1
Being charged with a DUI is a very serious matter. The DUI sink hole opened up for you the minute the officer pulled you over and asked, “Have you been drinking?” But there’s no need to let that hole get any deeper or for you to jump into it. In this 5-part blog series “The…
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Pilots and DUI — FAQs
I am a pilot and was arrested for a DUI. I am worried about how this will affect my pilot license? What do I do? As a pilot, you are required by the Federal Aviation Agency to report your DUI motor vehicular offense within 60 days of the arrest under 61.15(e). There is also an…
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Guest Post From Becky Kate Editor for 1800duilaws.com
FAQ’s from a DUI Directory Staff Member I work for 1 800 DUI Laws which is a national directory of DUI lawyers that includes Justin McShane as one of its esteemed members. Everyday we have people come to us who need help with their DUI cases and I come across common concerns. I thought I’d…
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PA DUI Mailbag: Why do you use Expert Witnesses
Every Friday we will take a look at some of the most commonly asked questions about Pennsylvania DUI so that we can clear up any misconceptions and provide you with the most up-to-date and accurate information. Today: I consulted with one of the lawyers in your firm and he recommended that we call in an expert…
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PA DUI Mailbag: How long does a DUI conviction stay on my record?
Every Friday we will take a look at some of the most commonly asked questions about Pennsylvania DUI so that we can clear up any misconceptions and provide you with the most up-to-date and accurate information. Today: I am facing DUI charges in York County, Pennsylvania. If I am convicted, how long with this stay…
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