DUI is a very serious charge. So much so that just simply being charged can really change a person’s life forever. DUI carries a huge social and political stigma. People don’t consider the facts of the case. They judge you in the court of public opinion. This includes friends, family, colleagues and your bosses. On…
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Another Unexpected Consequence of a DUI Conviction
Lawmakers in New Mexico have come up with an idea to ban people convicted of a DUI from purchasing alcohol. Do you think this will work? I, for one, have my doubts. This country has tried prohibition and it didn’t work for us. If people want to drink they will always find a way to…
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Another Reason to Fight Your DUI: Increased Car Insurance
There are many reasons why you should fight your DUI charges. A professional DUI attorney can guide you and help you calculate the penalties involved. One of the long-term costs associated with a DUI conviction are increased auto insurance premiums. Especially for those who do not have a perfect driving record, a DUI can really…
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New Changes to Pennsylvania DUI Law
A new law has passed the in the Pennsylvania State Senate which has increase d the penalties for a DUI conviction. These new penalties apply to those DUI cases where a passenger is a minor (under the age of 18). These penalties are in addition to any existing penalties (see Pennsylvania DUI laws and penalties…
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Bizarre (and Downright Cruel) DUI Punishments
In an effort to “get tough on crime,” many state and local governments enact laws which are bizarre and cruel. For example, in Montana, repeat drunk driver are forced to get tested twice a day to ensure they have not had anything to drink. While this might sound like a solution to some, it is…
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Most Drunk Drivers Still Can’t Visit Canada
Previously, those convicted of DUI were barred from visiting Canada. Last month, the Canadian government passed a law that would allow some offenders to enter the country: As of March 1, foreign nationals with a single misdemeanour conviction – including for driving under the influence – could be given a one-time pass to skip an…
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Life in Prison for a DUI
DUI laws are becoming more and more stringent as lawmakers try to make a name for themselves. One bill would punish DUI cases resulting in death with life in prison: Delegate lobbies for DUI bill CHARLESTON, W.Va – Delegate Brian Savilla made an emotional plea to his House colleagues Wednesday to consider his bill toughening…
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State Bill Seeks to Mandate DUI Interlock Devices for Non-DUI Charges
State lawmakers in Washington State have proposed a bill that would require DUI ignition interlock devices for those who have had their DUI charges reduced to reckless driving: Goodman is sponsoring another bill, HB 2443, that would require the use of breath alcohol ignition interlock devices for those originally charged with DUI but convicted of…
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The Law of the Jungle Does Not Apply to DUI
Many of us as kids read Rudyard Kipling’s masterpiece The Jungle Book. While the adventurous themes in the story appeal to young readers, Kipling also uses these stories as a platform to share his profound social commentary. He touches on many subjects, including criminal law: “What says the Law of the Jungle, Baloo?” Baloo did…
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More ways a DUI Can Ruin Your Life
One of the problems with DUI laws is that they are very heavy handed and have life-long effects. Even for someone who has a become a model citizen after their conviction, a DUI conviction can still rear its ugly head when he or she least expects it. Take a recent instance where an active duty…
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