Imagine being 19 years old and spending 9 months in jail for a crime you did not commit. This is the sad case of T.G. Fortunately, this sad story has ended due to the efforts of The McShane Firm who fought tirelessly and eventually got the charges dropped. T.G.’s case is a prime example of how…
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Backlogs at Crime Labs Undermine Justice
The McShane Firm recently was recently in the news because of our successful litigation strategy in the case of T.G. T.G., of Harrisburg, was being held for his alleged involvement in an assault on a police officer. However, when DNA tests on a key piece of evidence came back negative, T.G.’s bond was lowered and…
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McShane Firm Wins Freedom Through DNA Evidence
In January 2012, T.G. was wrongfully accused and imprisoned for the crimes of Aggravated Assault on Police Officer with Deadly Weapon Enhancement (car), Recklessly Endangering Another Person, Receiving Stolen Property, Carrying a Firearm without a License, Possession with the Intent to Deliver, Escape, Drug Paraphernalia, and Criminal Mischief when a car that was stopped nearly dragged…
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