At PA DUI Blog we have detailed the numerous criminal and financial penalties of a DUI conviction in Pennsylvania and the honest truth is, a DUI conviction is horribly costly and will cost you for the rest of your life. When you factor in the fines, increased insurance premiums, time lost at work and possible loss of career opportunities, you can see how a DUI can cost you tens of thousands of dollars- much more than the cost of hiring a good attorney to fight your case. A recent article highlights some of the costs related to Pennsylvania DUI convictions:

DUIs rising, and so are costs
SUNBURY — Arrest for driving under the influence have risen in Valley counties in the past 10 years, and so have resulting penalties.
Drunken driving, says George Geisler, of the Pennsylvania DUI Association, “is the number one crime not only in Pennsylvania, but in the Unites States.”
Montour County showed a 1,216 percent increase in drunken driving arrests between 2001 and 2010, according to the Pennsylvania Uniform Crime Reporting System. In Northumberland County, it was 48 percent; in Snyder County, 24 percent; and in Union County, 121 percent.
All Pennsylvania common pleas courts need to follow a first-time offenders guideline, said Northumberland County President Judge Robert Sacavage.
“There is no leniency,” he said.
First-time offenders whose blood-alcohol content registers at least 0.16 — double the legal limit — can receive a maximum fine of $5,000 and six months in jail.
“The second or third time around, we have more room to work with,” he said.
Third-time offenders within 10 years can be fined up to $10,000.
If not injuring oneself or another isn’t a big enough deterrent, Geisler said, the financial penalty should be.
“Who wants to pay $8,000 to $10,000?” he asked. “Total cost of fines, insurance increase, ignition interlocks and attorneys adds up. That is the least of it because what if you hurt yourself or someone else?”
If you are charged with a DUI in Pennsylvania make the right investment. Make an investment that will protect your rights and your future by hiring a DUI lawyer committed to rigorously defending your case. Call 1-866-MCSHANE for a free consultation.