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Free Fun Entrainment.
Bring some popcorn.
In our prior post Justice or an Abortion of Justice? Are some Judges and the Elected DA in Centre County out of Control? We tried to answer that question.
Although the case law is squarely against the plaintiff, although the facts are squarely against the plaintiff, and although all of recorded history is against Grine, he refuses to give in. So be it.

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This is still America. Come and see for yourself a sitting Judge, Judge Grine, testify and try to explain his secret lawsuit and how he should get a remedy that no one else in recorded history ever has.
The hearing is at 9 am April 2, 2015 at the Centre County Courthouse Annex.
It promises to be the talk of the County. Don’t miss seeing it live.
Subpoenaed witnesses who will testify include Centre County DA Stacy Parks-Miller, other DAs, President Judge Kistler, Judge Jonathon Grine, Magisterial District Judge Kelley Gillette-Walker, and others!
Have you ever seen a sitting elected District Attorney take the Fifth Amendment?
Would you like to?
Have you ever seen a sitting Judge wiggle and squirm under cross-examination where he is asked to explain his actions in trying to sue in secret and seek to end the First Amendment?
Would you like to?
Join all citizens who care about open and transparent government where all people (and especially politicians) are held accountable for their actions.
Join us for a celebration of America.
Join us for a celebration of transparency.
Join us for a celebration of accountability for politicians like Grine.
The hearing is at 9 am April 2, 2015 at the Centre County Courthouse Annex.
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Bring popcorn folks.
It’ll be amazing.
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