I have a lot of good things to say about Mother’s Against Drunk Driving (MADD). Even though I am a DUI defense lawyer, both MADD and I have the same goals. We want to end DUI. We want our roads to be safe. We want to save lives. Use a designated driver. I also have…
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Bad Haircuts and Bad Blood Tests
In Pennsylvania you need a license to cut hair. There is a state mandated examination that has two parts practical and theoretical. There is a biennial licensing fee. There is a central body: The State Board of Barber Examiners. All to ensure the we don’t get bad hair cuts. However, to be a lab technician…
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Police Officer Gets Fired for Telling People Not to Drink and Drive
Polices officers reminding people not to drink and drive, isn’t that what they are supposed to do? Shannon Hills Police Officer fired over Facebook post A Facebook post leads to a police officer losing his job. Scott Chaloner says he was fired because he warned people not to drink and drive, but the Chief of…
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Distracted Driving Increasing Despite Bans
Recent survey by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) showed that driving while using a cellphone has increased over the past year despite the fact that this has been banned by a large number of states. How widespread is this problem? According to reports about distracted driving, 18% of people surveyed by NHTSA admitted…
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You’re Guilty Because I Said So
It’s really sad to see our legal values deteriorate before our very eyes. One of the underlying themes in criminal justice is the presumption of innocence UNLESS proven guilty. However, this currently does not apply to DUI! That is because DUI is the most politically charged crime in the United States today and through the…
read more »Drunk Sleeping is not the same as Drunk Driving
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania along with state and local police are all trying to make our roadways safer…or so they claim. Once again the evident hypocrisy is crystal clear when it comes to Pennsylvania DUI. As a Pennsylvania DUI Lawyer, it is my job to show a balanced picture of what is really happening. Decision…
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